Family pulls teen out of school after administrators tell him to remove American flags from truck

A Virginia high school student’s decision to fly two American flags from his truck has ignited some controversy and forced the teen and his family to make a drastic move. Christopher Hartless, 17, said he’s simply exercising his First Amendment rights by flying the flags from his truck, but school administrators say they’re a distraction … Read more

Annette Funicello was unable to walk, speak or eat in the end – but her husband never gave up hope

Disney star Annette Funicello won the hearts of so many after becoming a Mouseketeer on the original “Mickey Mouse Club” at just 12 years old. The New York-born actress and dancer had started dance and music lessons to help overcome her shyness, but little did she know that it would lead to almost immediate stardom. But as … Read more

Doctors perform an emergency C-section and give birth to a baby with a rare skin disease.

Jennie Wilklow of Highland, New York, eagerly awaited the arrival of her daughter, Anna. Despite multiple ultrasounds and doctor’s checkups suggesting a healthy baby, Anna’s birth revealed a rare condition – harlequin ichthyosis. After a C-section at 34 weeks, Jennie held Anna and felt an overwhelming love. However, her husband’s somber revelation about Anna’s condition … Read more