Woman with ‘world’s biggest cheeks’ is unrecognizable in pic taken six years ago

These days, plastic surgery has become something accessible to a lot more people. More and more people are changing their appearances from slight adjustments to complete transformations. One Ukrainian model has dubbed herself the woman with the biggest cheeks. She has undergone many various procedures over the last six years, too many to count. Her transformation is pretty remarkable. You would never have thought these two are the same person. Check out her video at the end of the article

Woman with the ‘world’s biggest cheeks’

Anastasia Pokreshchuk is a 33-year-old Ukrainian model. She has gone from a typical looking young woman with a minimalist appearance, to a uniquely contoured face. Of all the procedures she has undergone, she has focused most of the attention to her cheeks. Anastasia first started changing her face through plastic surgery and various other injections at the age of 26. If you knew her then, you might never recognize her now. She now says that she has “the world’s biggest cheeks.”

Last year, she made a post on Instagram, asking her followers to choose between her then appearance, to how she looks now. She added two pictures. One was of her before she started getting procedures done, and the second was her appearance six years later. The caption for the post read: “Transformation – 26 and 32. Who will you choose?”

The post managed to receive 22,000 likes. Some people were quite supportive of her regardless of the massive amount of change she has gone through. they support her, large cheeks and all. “Beautiful then and now,” wrote one person. another follower commented: “Beautiful girl.”

The not-so-positive

Not everyone who sees Anastasia’s transformation is overly fond of her choices. According to the 33-year-old model, some people have been quite nasty to her. However, she ignores their negative comments with a laugh. “I’ve had people tell me I am an ugly b***h and that I should kill myself but when I see it I just laugh it off and ignore it,” said Anastasia.

One person rudely commented on her transformation post: “Was a normal person and now you’re like a horror movie.” Another person thought that she was better looking before she had any procedures done to her cheeks. They recommended she changed it back. “Return your old face – you were very beautiful.”


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